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City of Oceanside Parks and Recreation

(760) 435-5233

Athletic Gym & Field Use Application


Priority based Application Deadlines for Fall and Spring seasons:

  • Spring Season (January 1st through June 30th): Application opens October 1st and closes November 30th.

  • Fall Season (July 1st through December 31st): Application opens April 1st and closes May 31st

​During the priority based application blocks, permit applications are accepted and sorted by organization priority classifications. Once the permit block deadline is up, applications are processed starting with the highest priority groups first and then by going down the priority category order. Applications that come in after the deadline will be processed on a first-come first-served basis after all applications received within the priority block have been processed.

A majority of Oceanside fields will not be permitted during the following months due to Oceanside park and field maintenance, re-seeding, and restoration: The entire month of December and June 1st through mid-August. Weather may delay listed months. For a full list of fields and maintenance information, please view this page.

Submission of an application is not approval for the event.  Recreation staff will respond to your request within 24-72 hours.  If you have any questions about your request, please call (760) 435-5233.

City of Oceanside Field/Facility(s)

Activity Information

Purpose for Use:

What date does registration open up for the public?

Date Picker

Field Lights

Sack Bar


Address of Organization

Liability Insurance Certificate

Upload Insurance Certificate

Click Here to Upload

Additionally Insured Certificate

Upload Additionally Insured Certificate

Click Here to Upload

To the greatest extent allowed by law, Permittee shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City and its officers, agents and employees (“Indemnified Parties”) against all claims for damages to persons or property arising out of the activities authorized by this special event permit, including the negligent acts, errors or omissions or wrongful acts or conduct of the Permittee, or its employees, agents, subcontractors, or others in connection with the special event.  Furthermore, Permittee shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the Indemnified Parties  against all claims including claims for damages and/or equitable relief (whether based in mandamus, declaratory or injunctive relief) arising out of City’s approval of this special event permit.  Permittee’s indemnification shall include any and all costs, expenses, attorneys' fees, expert fees and liability assessed against or incurred by the City, its officers, agents, or employees in defending against such claims or lawsuits, whether the same proceed to judgment or not.  Further, Permittee at its own expense shall, upon written request by the City, defend any such suit or action brought against the Indemnified .Parties subject to this indemnity

Indemnification Acknowledgement


Field use guidelines are in place in order to ensure the safety of participants and preserve the playablity of the fields.

  1. Groups/Organizations will be responsible for the condition in which they leave the fields. In cases where he city field/landscaping has been damaged or abused, payment for repairs or replacement value will be the responsibility of the group/organization. The City will close fields if damaged, and the group/organization will not be offered or able to use alternative city fields.
  2. Contact Oceanside customer care via email immediately to report any problems, graffiti or vandalism to the Maintenance and Operations Office prior, during or after use of the field/park. Permitted groups shall contact sports staff at with any field related issues relating to mainteance, repair, lighting, etc. 
  3. Permitted groups must get pre-approval from sports staff before using any products to line fields. Please contact to request approval.
  4. The group/organization using the facilities is responsible for determining whether to play on a field or not.

Do not use the field if:

  • It has recently rained.
  • The sprinklers have recently been on.
  • There is standing water on any area.
  • There is mud anywhere on use area.
  • If your activity will damage playing area.

Preventing damage to fields/parks:

  • Do not use Roundup, grass killer, or any other product that kills or damages turf or landscaping.
  • Do not tag, use graffiti, or vandalize the park.
  • Do not drive or park on the grass, track, dirt, or landscaping areas.
  • Do not drive stakes or poles into turf or landscape areas.
  • Park any and all vehicles only in designated areas.
  • Pick up all trash after event.
  • Restrooms must be left clean and made available.


Applications to use City facilities must be made on application forms provided by Oceanside Parks and Recreation and submitted not less than 30 days, nor more than 180 (excepting annual events) prior to the date of the proposed event.  The exception is for public dances and events, which require a minimum of 60 days prior application and the submission of a Special Events Permit.   Authorization for use less than 30 days prior to usage may be granted at the discretion of Oceanside Parks and Recreation.  A certificate  of  liability  insurance  in  the  amount  of  two million  dollars  Each Occurence and four million dollars General Aggregate must  be submitted  with  the  application  listing  the  City  of Oceanside as an additional insured party for single limit liability bodily injury and property damage. 

  1. Oceanside Parks and Recreation may refuse to reserve, or cancel, any applications for due cause.  Written notice of refusal or cancellation with appropriate explanation will be given by the Division not less than seven (7) days prior to the event.
  2. A deposit of 50% of the total charge must be paid within five (5) working days of notification of approved application.
  3. The balance of assessed rental fees; special fees and deposits must be paid 21 days prior to the scheduled event.
  4. All fees are to be made payable to: City of Oceanside
  5. Usage must be made within the allotted permit time. Permit time schedules and charges must include set-up time. Permit will be considered cancelled and fees forfeited if user is not at the facility 60 minutes after the beginning of the time for which applied. Using the rented space earlier or later than the permitted time frame will result in additional charges to reflect actual usage.
  6. Oceanside Parks and Recreation activities and other City-sponsored events will retain first priority for use of all facilities.  
  7. City facilities may not be reserved on the following holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Eve (1/2 day) and Christmas Day.
  8. No activity will be permitted which is in violation of local, state or federal statutes. Applicants must adhere to all City, Police and Fire codes during their use of the facility.
  9. Applications will not be accepted from anyone less than 18 years of age. Youth groups must have adult sponsors who guarantee observance of these rules and regulations. In addition, a minimum of one adult per 25 young people is required at the activity. Youth activities must be completed by 10:00 p.m.
  10. Applicants must provide all equipment necessary to conduct activity including, chalk, bases, goals, first aid supplies, hoses, rakes, P.A. systems.
  11. The presence of and the serving or selling of alcoholic beverages is permitted under the following conditions: (a) a daily on-sale general license from Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) Office is obtained, and (b) all ABC rules and regulations are enforced. No alcohol is allowed during any youth related activities. Alcohol is prohibited at some locations.
  12. Users will be responsible for all damage, and must leave facilities in the same general condition as received. The area outside the building is included in this responsibility. Therefore, before the start of the event, a representative should inspect the condition of the facility with the person on duty.
  13. Appropriate damage deposits above and beyond required special service fees may be levied at the discretion of the City.
  14. No City facility may be altered or changed without written approval from Oceanside Parks and Recreation. Signs or decorations to be affixed to the building must have prior approval. Nails, tacks, or any devise, which makes a hole, are not allowed. Only the use of tape or string is allowed.
  15. No advertising, solicitation of sales, posting of signs or distribution of pamphlets using Department facilities will be permitted without the consent of Oceanside Parks and Recreation.
  16. No donations, under any guise or circumstance, or for any purpose, shall be solicited at any Department facility for causes not directly related to the activity in progress will be allowed.
  17. Security personnel (when required) must be present at the time the applicant takes possession of the facility and must remain on duty until the facility is vacated.
  18. A representative of Oceanside Parks and Recreation shall be present during all hours of any indoor facility, and those outdoor facilities deemed necessary by the Department. If an activity is held outside normal operating hours of a facility (or in the case of outdoor facilities, before or after scheduled work or employees), the applicant will be required to pay for assigned supervisor and/or custodian in addition to any rental fees and damage deposits.
  19. In the event of a disagreement regarding interpretation of regulations governing the use of Department facilities, patrons are to conform to the instructions of the representative of the Department in charge and report the incident to the main office of Oceanside Parks and Recreation.
  20. Section 104.3 of the City of Oceanside Municipal Code prohibits smoking in a public building at any time. There will be NO SMOKING in the facility.
  21. Applicant and all participants, parents, spectators, coaches, and volunteers agree to abide by the City of Oceanside Parks and Recreation Code of Conduct: All persons shall act with respect towards other persons, respect their privacy and personal safety. Physical or verbal abuse of any kind will not be tolerated. All persons shall treat public and private property and equipment with respect. Program rules and regulations shall be observed at all times.  
  22. Permit cancelations must be requested at least a week prior to the start date of the permit. If a permit is canceled after the start date of the permit, the user is responsible for paying all fees and charges accrued for dates they failed to use at the requested field/facility.

Authorized Agent / Customer Signature

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